Wednesday, September 15, 2010

William and school

Just got back from a wonderful vacation.  Will post updates and pictures soon.  First day back at school on Monday, William had to pull a "red" card.  Not good.  Green, Yellow and Red to reflect daily behavior.  I asked William, "what happened at school?".  He reluctantly said, "I pulled a Red card today."
My reply "why"
William "For talking and the teacher said I pushed someone.  Dad, I didn't push anyone."
My reply "When were you talking"
William "Lunch"
My reply "You need to stop talking during quiet time"
William "I know Dad, but I had a million things to talk about"

I had to turn and laugh.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.... 

1 comment:

The Mechlings said...

these 2 entries are TOO FUNNY!! seriously, good thing our kids crack us up so much because it makes up for all the times they drive us crazy!!