Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Let's get it started

Hello world,
Maybe that's a bit of an overstatement and the world isn't viewing yet, but Rome wasn't built in one day. So I've been nominated, well directed to become the designated blogger for the Barnes of Bucknell Ave. I've been told that cousin Paige has gotten quite entertaining and her "blogs" seem to be a frequent highlight. My hope is that one day I can be 1/10th the blogger as she is. For the record, our original blogger resigned due to creative indifference. I figure that I'm really struggling to keep my hand written journals for the kids, so this might be a better avenue to create lasting memories. Evidently, you can make a book out of this? Paige really? Sign me up for a clinic.........

The reality is that I'm still in the early 1990's regarding technology. I prefer rotary phones, like Sega - Madden Football the best (NY Giants with Stephen Baker the touchdown maker and Mark Bravaro, was unbeatable), I don't get the purpose of texting or Facebook and am not impressed with the idea of 3D TV. Give me ole Andy Griffith in black and white and life is just fine. For those that don't know me, I'm a pretty simple dude. So enough back ground on the new chief blogger.

With that said, I'm not sure what this experience will be. From time to time, I may rant, I may poke fun at, I might not make sense or even disappear for long periods of time. Quite possibly, I could offend folks by accident or document embarrassing moments that my kids will have to live with for the rest of their lives (already planning to have good wedding materials to share)... For that, let me apologise in advance - no harm intended. William, Kaitlin and Madison - you'll understand one day. My goal is to document for our family key events/milestones, provide a lasting memory of different stages and fascinations that the kids have (yes, the mascot really is a person) and to capture some of the daily grind (ie - 20 years from now it will be really funny that Mommy stepped out the back door bare footed and landed on a monster black snack). And along the way, provide a quick laugh and connect with family and friends.

Ultimately, I need to come up with a Pen name. Maybe I'll let the kids decide what that will be.
This movie is just starting, so let's get it started!


1 comment:

paige said...

Let's get it started! Love that we have recruited a new blogger...clearly the former one could not keep it up! Now, if blogging could be done via the phone, then she'd be in business :)

Anyhow keep up the posts--you've got at least one reader!